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  4. Subdomain. What it is used for.

Subdomain. What it is used for.

Let’s start with the definition of the domain. A domain is a human-readable name we use to create a website or email. A subdomain is a prefix added to a domain name to separate a section of your page or create a separate website. Let’s take our community page: https://community.time4vps.com/

HTTPS – is an extension of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure;
COMMUNITY – is a subdomain;
TIME4VPS – is a domain name;
.COM – is an extension (Top-level domain).

Subdomains often manage extensive sections such as support, blogs, forums, language, location, mobile page, etc. The most popular subdomain we use on almost all websites is “www”. However, instead of that subdomain, you can use any that fits your website’s purpose.

Why do we need subdomains, and how can we use them?

Let’s say you are offering some services and need a registration form that is being used to book a visit date. For registration, you can use a separate subdomain, like registration.my-website.com. This way, customers can use the direct registration link to book an appointment.

Here are some other reasons to use a subdomain:

Better organize the website’s structure.
We can organize a website structure using subdomains by creating separate subdomains for different languages and sections, such as a forum, registration, blog, FAQ, etc.

Boost SEO and domain authority.
A subdomain can be used to target specific keywords for specific visitors who are searching for a theme or topic online.

Better website navigation.
Using subdomains, you can limit the amount of information on a page by separating it into subdomains. This makes it more straightforward to find specific sections.

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