VPS management

How do I cancel my server?

We would be sad to see you leave but if you would like to cancel your server you can do...

Upgrade VPS

In order to upgrade your VPS follow these steps: Login to the Clients Area; At the left menu, select “My...

Install / Reinstall OS

Operating system installation steps: Login to the Clients Area; Select at the top of menu the “My Services > VPS”...

Connect to Linux VPS

If using Mac: Open the Terminal application (Utilities); On the command line, enter the ssh command: User-Mac:~ User$ ssh ID.s.time4vps.cloud...

Change Hostname / Reverse DNS (rDNS) / PTR

To change rDNS/PTR/hostname, please perform these steps: Login to the Clients Area; At the top menu select “My Services >...